My Big Head forces his out of the picture. (Seriously, it's hard to do a double self portrait...)
On the Oslofjord, Norway
The Greatest Blog In The World that gets no traffic whatsoever. The best things are sometimes the secret things. It's all about your Big Fat Head!
This is Digger, my friend's cat. He is usually more dignified. And awesomely patient.
His "parents" Sue and John, live in Austin. (But John's British, and Sue's a Yank, so that explains the wierdness and the tendency to dress up Kitty.)
(Just kidding you guys. No really. KIDDING.)
This is an art piece that was placed all over Venice. Just the Mona Lisa, in yellow,in squares and communal areas everywhere. You couldn't miss her. Part of the Venice Biennale.
Anyhow, I had to get the big head shot.
Me and Mona.
A picture of a cow I took while hiking through the Gap of Dunlow, Ireland.
I like cows. They just seem so cozy.
I like chickens, too, but don't have any big head pics of them. I'll try for some next time I go back to my parents'.
Hmm. I must've been a farmer in a previous life.